January 22, 2018
Android OBD Fusion’s Fantastic Diagnostic Report: OBD4Everyone Ep. 9
In this episode of OBD4Everyone, we will show you how to produce a detailed diagnostic report using OBD Fusion for Android.
More app info at:
Presented by spurgear.ca
I have Jeep Liberty 2008 and Mercedes Benz C300 2015, What do you suggest for me please?
Hey John Noah,
That’s difficult for me to answer. I don’t know how much you want to spend, or how you want to use them. Do you want to clear codes (speed not an issue) or data logging (faster is better)
The OBD scanner I use the most is the OBDLink MX, it is fast, well built, comes with OBDLink (almost same as OBD Fusion) and has a 3 year warranty.
If I didn’t have the OBDLink scanner, I would use the BLE / BLE+ from Veepeak.
Or you can try your luck on the VERY cheap ELM327 clones.
Now as for the OBD apps, Torque Pro is OK, but I find OBDFusion has a much more logical layout and that fantastic diagnostic report.
Good luck with what ever you decide!